powerful arguments add punch

Powerful Arguments

Add Vitality to Both Your

Story and Characters

Using verbal conflicts will increase the tension in your story. Tension grips your readers, and keeps your them glued to your pages, wondering where the argument is going and what will be the outcome.

Powerful arguments produce plot and character altering scenes.

We have a few ideas to help you write smashing arguments.


Let’s get started.

Verbal fight

Powerful Arguments Will Show Your Character's Personality

Create characters with personalities that will clash naturally given the right spark. Then give them the that spark.

Each character will argue in a different way. choose how each character will argue. Give them a unique voice and style of arguing. Some people pout others Yell. Some use sarcasm or make jokes.

Let these verbal confrontations bring out hidden emotions.

Be sure the reader understands the stakes. How does the conflict affect your character’s goals? What do they stand to win; or lose?

It’s best if your reader can take sides from the beginning. You want your reader to be cheering for the home team.

Activate all the senses. Remember to show each character’s actions. Describe their tone of voice. What emotions show on their faces.  Help your reader visualize the argument.

  • Here are some phrases you can use to show personality

    ·      she lifted her head with pride

    ·      gave a contrite apology

    ·      intent on having his own way

    ·      her frustration reached a flashpoint

    ·      his words only made her madder

    ·      face filled with dismay

    ·      she countered with a septic insult

    ·      doesn’t care enough to be curious about anyone else

    ·      blowing the hair out of her face in mock exasperation
argument tantrum

We have created a list of hundreds of phrases just like these

List Element
Create Powerful Arguments With Dynamic Punch
powerful arguments add punch

..Here are a few rules to help.

  • Both sides should be a little right. You want each combatant to be able to make logical points.
  • If you want your reader to stay invested in the argument, Let the outcome remain in doubt, 
  • Like in a sports, it’s much more thrilling not to know the outcome until the end. This will tantalize your reader.
  • Keep the argument tight and as terrible as possible. Short, choppy sentences create the strongest verbal punch.
    • Try these phrases to add dramatic impact: 

      ·      Face turned red, eyes narrowed, jaw clenched

      ·      raised a barrel shaped fist

      ·      pinned each man with a significant glare

      ·      nostrils flared viciously

      ·      chin thrust forward in defiance

      ·      placed hands firmly on hips

      ·      spun around and headed for the door

      ·      cut her off with a savage gesture

      ·      snorted contemptuously

      ·      tone got ugly
    show power proker charaqcter

    We have hundreds of phrases like these.

    Writing A Powerful Arguments

    For the argument to be compelling the reader needs to understand what is happening. What does each combatant want to achieve?

    Both characters must want something from the other (respect, acquiescence, permission, or something tangible).

    They must be fighting for a realistic reason. Foreshadowing may help the reader understand what the argument is all about.

    Remember, dialogue is only part of your fight scene. In between the snappy one-liners and frustrated yelling there should be actions. What physical actions can you include with the verbal attacks that will add to the emotional impact? You must activate your reader’s imagination.

    Help the reader visualize the scene.

    Powerful arguments
    • Maybe these phrases will give you some ideas

      ·      each trying to anticipate the others next move

      ·      her disapproval radiated in small ways

      ·      searching for weaknesses in the other that they could exploit

      ·      he was suddenly energized, ready for another round

      ·      she was impossible to please

      ·      they sized each other up

      ·      determined not to run afoul of her temper

      ·      smiled clearly enjoying the argument

      ·      too sure of himself to bother learning about another’s person’s needs
    argument children

    One of the hardest things for us is to remember is how to punctuate dialog. Writing arguments is part of writing dialog. We created a simple cheat sheet to help us with this problem. 

    Download Your Dialog Punctuation 

    Cheat Sheet Now

  • Writing powerful arguments is not easy.  We hope these ideas will make your verbal conflicts more realistic and dynamic. We realize each writer has their own ideas. You must find what works for you.

  • We would love to hear from you. Please add your comments.
  • Happy Writing

  • John & Patty         @2021 writingagreatbook.com