Writing novels has been both an adventure and a challenge. Earnest Hemingway said, “We are all apprentices in a craft, no one ever masters.”  We are still learning how to write better. We do not believe we will ever learn all the techniques and nuances of creative writing.

writing novels

John I had a unique idea for a science fiction story, so I began writing novels. We gave a copy of the first draft to two of our grown daughters. One daughter said, “It stinks.” The other was a little more helpful she crossed out about half of it.

John, I realized I needed to learn a lot more about creative writing. We purchased books and went to seminars. We found the Internet has an enormous amount of information.

Patty I began to study editing. I also read best-selling novels, looking for tactics great writers use. I created a notebook of the different writing techniques. Most of the techniques and articles on this website are from that notebook.

We discovered tools and lists made an enormous difference in our creative writing. So, we will be sharing those with you. Check out Ask, 78 Words to Use Instead. And Words Never to Use to Replace Said plus 240 Words to Use. These are just the first two of the many lists we plan to share on this website.

The internet is overflowing with free information. For a list of 36 websites for writers see: 36 Free Writing Tools. and 41 More Free Tools for Writers

writing novels

John, We attended writers’ conferences. My first novel has turned into four books in our Light Masters series.

I know they are not ready to publish. We are still revising. They don’t have to be perfect, but I want them to be great. Joining critique groups has made a monumental difference.

We finally concluded we needed a platform to launch our books from.

Patty Writingagreatbook.com is the platform from which we hope to launch our novels. We called it Writing a Great Book because John always wanted to write a great book—not just a good book. We have friends who just wanted to say they had published a book.

John The Light Masters is a speculative fiction series about the creation of the Milky Way galaxy. The sector of space the Light Masters plan to colonize is filled with a strange race. The story is about the collision of these two very different civilizations. The Light Masters are human, and the Energy People are ghost-like. They must learn to share the same space as the Light Masters and build a new galaxy.

Patty, We have learned so much about writing novels. Sharing what we have learned is a new adventure. We hope the articles, lists, and tools will be as helpful to other writers as they have been to us.

John Please let us know if our website is helpful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you.

We hope you will both subscribe and leave comments so we can get to know you better.

PS: This was written before John’s dementia set in. He has now passed away. I miss him terribly. We had been married for 55 years.

I am now editing his books in the hope that I can publish them.

To read more about us see  Is This Website Right For You

Six secretes to becomeing the author of your dreams

Happy Writing

John and Patty

We have written an E Book for new writers

Six Steps To Becoming the Author of Your Dreams 

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